Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 2nd Edition - Vol 1
Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 2nd Edition - Vol 2
Implantable Hearing Device.
Surgical and Medical Management of Diseases of the Thyroid and Parathyroid.
Editor of the text
book " Text book of the ear, nose and throat." Publishers Orient Longman, India Editors Chris de Souza, Marcos Goycoolea (USA) and Carlos Ruah (Portugal) released on July 10th, 1995 in KEM Hospital.
Assistant editor and Author of Modern trends in neurotology 1995. Editors Sandra De Sa Souza Popular Prakashan (India)
Editor and author:- Textbook of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. Singular Publishers Inc, Editors Chris de Souza (India), James Stankiewicz
(USA), Phil Pellitteri (USA) SanDiego, USA, 1998
Editor and Author, Textbook of Otosclerosis and Stapedectomy, Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, USA(2004). Editors Chris de Souza (India) and Michael Glasscock
(USA), 2004.
Editor and author Atlas of Otitis Media, Bhalani Medical Publishers, India (2005). Editors : Chris de Souza (India), Michael M Paparella (USA), Neil Sperling
Chief Editor Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery, Jaypee Brothers , New Delhi , 2009Editor Chief Editor Chris de Souza Editors include Fred Stucker (USA), Cherie
Ann Nathan (USA), Gady Har El (USA), Abir Bhattacharya (UK), Anil D’Cruz (India), Pankaj Chaturvedi(India). Second edition now in progress
Editor: Textbook of Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery, Springer Verlag, Stuttgart Germany, 2009. Editors Fred Stucker (USA), Chris de Souza (India), W Draf
(Germany), Guy Kenyon (UK), Bernard Schick (Germany).
Comprehensive textbook of Otology: Editors: MV Kirtane, Derald Brackmann, DM Borkar, Chris E de Souza. Publishers: Bhalani Medical Publishers, Mumbai India,
Textbook of Otosclerosis : Editor Chris de Souza Plural Publishers San Diego, (USA). In Press. 2014.
Co. Ordinating Editor : Atlas of Otologic Surgery and Magic Otology, Jaypee Brothers. Chief Editor : Marcos V. Goycoolea
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology : Diagnosis and Treatment, Milind V. kirtane, Chris E. Desouza, Publishers - Thieme.
Textbook of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 6 volumes Thieme International, Stuttgart, Germany, May 2013.
de Souza C. and Kirtane M. V. (Series Editors) (2013): “Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Series”. Thieme, Delhi: Six Volumes:
“Otology and Neurotology”: By Kirtane M. V., de Souza C., Sanna M. and Devaiah A. K. (Volume Editors)
“Laryngology”: By Bhattacharya A. K. and Nerurkar N. K. (Volume Editors)
“A Multidisciplinary Approach to Head and Neck Neoplasms”: By Har-El G., Day T., Nathan C. A., Nguyen S. A. (Volume Editors)
“Head and Neck Surgery”: By Har-El G., Day T., Nathan C. A. and S. A. Nguyen (Volume Editors)
“Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology: Diagnosis and Treatment”: By Licameli G. R. and Tunkel D. E. (Volume Editors) (Enclosure - 21)
“Rhinology and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery”: By Milind V. Kirtane, Chris E. de Souza(Series Editors) Anand K. Devaiah, Bradley F. Marple (Volume Editors)
Brochure on Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Head Neck Surgery
Editor in chief of the International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery; 2007 til date
Journal Articles :
2012 : de Souza C. et. al. “Pediatric endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy”. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 147, No. 2, pg. 335 - 337.
2010 : de Souza C. and Nissar J. “Experience with endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy using four methods”. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 142, pg. 389-393.
1999 : de Souza C. and de Souza R. “Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis”. Surgery, Vol. 4, No. 9, pg. 40 – 41.
1996 : de Souza C. et. al. “The role of nasal and sinus surgery in otitis media”. Operative techniques in Otolaryngology- Head and neck surgery, Vol. 7, No. 1, pg. 16- 19.
1994 : de Souza C. et. al. “The stapedial reflex in cephalic tetanus”. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Vol.108, pg. 736 - 742.
1993 : de Souza R., de Souza C., D’Souza M. and Vora I. M. “Orbital Tuberculosis”. Orbit, Vol. 12, No. 1, pg. 27 – 30.
1992 : de Souza C. et. al. “Clinical and bacteriological profile of the ear in otogenic tetanus: A case control study”. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Vol. 106, pg. 1051 – 1054.
1992 : de Souza C. et. al. “Atresia coanal e associacao CHARGE”. Jornal de Pediatria (Brazil), Vol. 68, No. 7 / 8, pg. 246-250.
1992 : de Souza C. and Nagpal R. D. “Neurofibromatosis 2 (Bilateral Acoustic Schwannomas): What is it? A Review of Literature and an Update”. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Vol. 38,
No. 1, pg. 27-31.
1991 : de Souza C. et. al. “The pathology of labyrinthine ossification” Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Vol. 105, pg. 621-624.
1990 : de Souza C. et. al. “Pediatric proptosis and transorbital fronto-ethmoidectomy”. Orbit, Vol. 9, No. 1, pg. 19-27.
1989 : de Souza C. et. al. “Congenital cholesteatomas of the cerebellopontine angle”. American Journal of Otology, Vol. 10, No. 5, pg. 358-363.
1989 : de Souza C. et. al. “Profile of Congenital Cholesteatomas of the Petrous Apex". Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Vol. 35, No. 2, pg. 93-97.
1988 : Ogale S. B., de Souza C., Sheode J. and Shah K. L. “The styloid process in ossicular chain reconstruction (A pilot study)”. Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Vol. 102, pg. 136-137.
1988 : de Souza C. et. al. “Mucoceles , proptosis and the transorbital fronto-ethmoidectomy”. Orbit, Vol. 7, No. 3, pg. 167-173.
1988 : Menezes R. A., de Souza C. and Desasouza S. “Blastomycosis of the paranasal sinuses”. Orbit, Vol. 7, No. 1, pg. 3-6.
1988 : de Souza C. et. al. “An Infiltrating Capillary Hemangioma of the Nasopharynx causing Proptosis”. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Vol. 34, No. 3, pg. 182-184.
1988 : Shah A., Kirtane M. V., de Souza C., Ingle M. V., Shah K. L. and Jehangir R. P. “Hydatid Cyst of the Orbit”. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Vol. 34, No. 1, pg. 43-44.
1987 : de Souza C. et. al. “Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Lacrimal Gland”. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Vol. 33, No. 1, pg. 41-42.
1986 : Ogale S. B., de Souza C. and Shah K. L. “Styloid Process - A New Ossicular Prosthesis – A Pilot Study”. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology, Vol. 38, No. 3, pg. 108
Book Chapters :
2010 : de Souza C. and Levine S. C. “Intracranial complications of Otitis Media” In “Glasscock-Shambaug’s Surgery of the Ear, 6th Edition” by Gulya A. J., Minor L. B. and Poe D. S. (Authors). Peoples
Medical Publishing House, USA. Pg.
2002 : de Souza C. and Levine S. C. “Intracranial Complications of Otitis Media”. In “Glasscock-Shambaug Surgery of the Ear, 5th Edition” by Glasscock M.E. and Gulya A. J. (Authors) Black
and Decker Publishers, USA. Pg. 443 – 462.
1996 : de Souza C. and de Souza R. “Doencas granulomatosas em otorrinolaringologia” (A chapter on granulomatous disorders of the ear, nose and throat) In "Otorrinolaringologica” (A text book
of otorhinolaryngological diseases). Aria Publishers, Brazil, pg. 477 – 487.
2013 : de Souza C. Endoscopic Dacrycystorhinostomy Otolaryngology. Published by Intech, Croatia, Europe.